Monday, September 26, 2011

First post day first post day.

I decided to finally join the 21st century and get myself a blog. (Thank you Julia for giving me the nudge I needed.) I don't so much want to see how many followers I get or even if I get one, I am doing this for posterity. I am not the best record keeper in the world so this is my digital record of my life and the life of those who impact me. Yeah, like a written record of everything I do daily. Man this is a great idea it makes me wonder why nobody has thought to do this before. Now what should I call my new invention. Maybe I could treat it like I am writing to someone; yeah, that's the ticket. But I can't really say Dear Mable or Dear Dennis that just seems weird to write to someone who doesn't exist. Hmm, maybe I can write to someone who does exist. Perhaps I could wright to an idol of mine like Joan of arc. Yeah, she would understand my day to day struggle with parenting and being a wife and school and...OK, Joan of arc is out. I think her being dead might put a cramp in this pen pal relationship. Man this is hard no wonder it takes people forever to invent things. Let's see, what about someone who is alive today like Alfred Molina. Yeah, he gets pressure and he's alive; yeah, that's the stuff (I loved him in Spiderman but lets face it who didn't).  OK, that's it. So now that we have that covered lets take her out for a test spin shall we.

Dear Alfred, (Yeah, I like it)
               Today was a great day. I got up and let Skylee in, got the boys ready for school and walked Jonas to school with Tracy. My husband is home right now; his new job doesn't start till Thursday, Friday or next Monday. Alfred you don't have to tell me how crazy it is, I know. But hey, it is nice to have him home. He helps a lot around the house. Today he made me lunch and is taking care of Evie as we speak. Oh quick jab into your life what is up with you being on Harry's Law, eh? I wouldn't say anything if it was like it was last season; that was a great show but now it is all retooled and gross. Anyway, let me know. And just to keep things clear your character was the highlight of the show so good for you.

OK, now back to me. I love staying at home with the kids; they are so funny. Like take Jonas, my oldest, he is 6 now and is convinced that if he is within ear shot of a bee he will be stung and it will hurt. The odd thing is he has never been stung or even remotely close to a bee. I don't get it. As a mom I of course think it is something I did. I did tell him that bees sting and we should stay away from them but don't kill them they are very good for the garden. That must be it. Or maybe it is me reading The Big Book of Killer Bees to him every night. I guess we will never know.

Then there is Allen, my second boy, he is 4 almost 5.  He doesn't mind the bees but some of the weirdest things come out of his mouth like take last week he comes out of the bathroom and announces to me  "Mom I wiped so good. My bum is so shiny." How he can tell I don't know; I can't see my own bum. That reminds me to get back into shape. I really should be doing my Dance Central. Now that's a work out. You should try it. Don't try and do I've got a feeling by Black Eyed Peas 'til you've done a few others first or you will regret it.

And that brings us to Evelyn. We call her Evie (though some on Facebook call her Evil, you know who you are *cough* Aunt Em *cough*) due to the incredibly large amount of baby Evelyns in our area. No, that's not true. I can't lie to you, we were planing on calling her Evie from day one after the girl on the Mummy. She is now 1 year old as of last Thursday and cuter than a bugs ear. She can't really walk yet, just a few steps here and there, but she crawls faster than most people walk. (Of course that doesn't include certain doctors that have crazy robotic arms attached to there backs that do the walking for them that I might mention. Lets face it they're in a class of their own.) So I guess she doesn't feel like she has a reason to walk. She gives high fives thanks to Aunt Stacie and every time she does she yells or growls, I don't know what that sound she makes is, but she does it. As I write this I realize I really need to learn to spell the word does, thank goodness for spell check. Anyway, I think that is enough for now.
 Talk to you soon Alfred,
A Salmon in Lowe waters.


  1. I love it! And I'm so honored to post the first comment ever on your blog. Keep up the great writing. Now I have to google Alfred Molina.

  2. Good job Katie! so cute haha... :) I wonder if she yells or growls cause every time she gave high five we were all like "YAAAY!!!" could be a good reason :) so cute!

  3. She Is cuter than a bugs ear and has her mamas dimples! Love! You' ve got some amazing kids Katie! Seriously!

  4. Is she happy or did you scare the crap out of her?

  5. Is it a summer squash of sorts, or hashbrowns would be my guess. My first thought is to say Katie why did you let her do it, but that would make me a hippo krit ( you like that)because while at Subway today Tel and I were getting the drinks and by the time we got back to the table Wes had destroyed our sandwich all to shreds. We ate it anyway it required forks and was more of a casserole than a sandwich. What do you do?
