Tuesday, October 25, 2011

October. 25th

Dear Alfred,

Crazy day today. We went to corn belly's with Allen's pre school class it was freezing but way fun hay ride and stuff to climb on the movie about corn left a lot to be desirer though. then we went to the store got everything we need for the week got home and ran out of baking powder. did lots of laundry. delta a powerful blow against the empire with my boys then made chilly and corn bread muffins fallowed by the church Halloween party at which we won most family friendly chilly. came home and wrote on my blog.
I think if I died and someone was investigating my death and they found it was murder I bet they would start waring sunglasses.
I will post pictures of Allen's trip tomorrow the camera is all the way downstairs and I am all the way up hear. They are so cute and wind blown. .
I am so tiered my nonsess has to stop making sens. I better go.
A salmon in lowe waters.

1 comment:

  1. I love hay rides, especially when they are chilly enough to be accompanied with cocoa :-)
